Dynamic Duo: Content Giants Unite for Live Q&A

If you’ve attended Content Marketing World in the past, you know the level of energy and fun that Andrew Davis brings to the stage (if you haven’t, you’re in for a treat!).


This year, he’s teaming up with fellow CMI Hero award winner and fan favorite Ann Handley, chief content officer at MarketingProfs, for a Live Town Hall Experience. For the first time on stage together, they’ll be answering your most curious questions, secret problems, and content challenges during this interactive keynote on Wednesday, September 27 at 9:30 am.


Watch Andrew’s video above for a preview – and get ready for an unforgettable experience packed with insights, inspiration, and laughter from these two content OGs.


Then catch more of Andrew in his Artificial Influence session at 11:20 am on Wednesday, where he’ll guide us on how to safely leverage AI without destroying our carefully crafted relationships



Ready to take the capital city by storm with Andrew and thousands of other content marketers? Sign up for Content Marketing World today.